Positive’s of your autism

Hi thought i’d start a positive tread.

We often are told or feel like autism is full of negatives and although it can make things more much more difficult or put at as a disadvantage in some situations. I do also believe it can come with great strengths and positives too. 

Feel free to list some of yours, it would be great to read them! 

Mine are… 

1. Amazing sense of direction and navigation 

2. Good with animals 

3. Good in emergencies or instances where you need to think quick and logically 

  • ASD for me is a kind of "curate's egg" situation: a lot of bad things with just one or two redeeming qualities:

    Curate's egg - Wikipedia

    I am good with computers and electrical systems. Too bad that I know NT that are as good as me, and they do not have any of my social difficulties. I really got the short end of the stick.

  • I’ve worked in IT all my life and now understand where one of my real advantages comes from (hyper focus).

    When I was still developing software, which is one of my life long special interests, I could easily slip into a flow state and maintain it for 50+ hour work weeks. I was an absurdly productive software developer which is why they promoted to the point they don’t let me code any more.

    And now I’m lucky if I get an hour or two of focus anymore.

  • I’ve worked in IT all my life and now understand where one of my real advantages comes from (hyper focus).

    When I was still developing software, which is one of my life long special interests, I could easily slip into a flow state and maintain it for 50+ hour work weeks. I was an absurdly productive software developer which is why they promoted to the point they don’t let me code any more.

    And now I’m lucky if I get an hour or two of focus anymore.

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