Positive’s of your autism

Hi thought i’d start a positive tread.

We often are told or feel like autism is full of negatives and although it can make things more much more difficult or put at as a disadvantage in some situations. I do also believe it can come with great strengths and positives too. 

Feel free to list some of yours, it would be great to read them! 

Mine are… 

1. Amazing sense of direction and navigation 

2. Good with animals 

3. Good in emergencies or instances where you need to think quick and logically 

  • Amazing sense of direction and navigation 

    Must admit, this is something I'm rubbish at haha. Glad you've got that down, though!

  • I am also terrible at this. If I cant see the location from where I am, then I cant get there without a map. Im not really sure why though because I have fantastic ability to form things in my mind and move them around and take them apart, etc, which actually might be the reason why im bad at directions because when im living life I veiw it from like 3 different angles/perspectives all at once so left could actually by up, or right is left. I dont know if this makes sence. I also have no sense of time so I cant know how long it takes to get somewhere.

  • It's just how the ASD brain works for us really. Last week I had an autism moment when I'd got enough stamps on the loyalty card at my local teashop. When I went to pay the waitress said I didn't need to. It didn't register. I just stood there for a few seconds on a total blank and she cheerfully reminded that was that and I could clear off. It still doesn't make sense to me now how I didn't get it instantly. 

  • It's just how the ASD brain works for us really. Last week I had an autism moment when I'd got enough stamps on the loyalty card at my local teashop. When I went to pay the waitress said I didn't need to. It didn't register. I just stood there for a few seconds on a total blank and she cheerfully reminded that was that and I could clear off. It still doesn't make sense to me now how I didn't get it instantly. 
