Positive’s of your autism

Hi thought i’d start a positive tread.

We often are told or feel like autism is full of negatives and although it can make things more much more difficult or put at as a disadvantage in some situations. I do also believe it can come with great strengths and positives too. 

Feel free to list some of yours, it would be great to read them! 

Mine are… 

1. Amazing sense of direction and navigation 

2. Good with animals 

3. Good in emergencies or instances where you need to think quick and logically 

  • Good idea! This makes a good stance over the "ASD as a disability" thread that's caused quite a lot of debate!

    For me, I'd say the benefits are:

    • Hyper creative brain (I do an enormous amount of writing and it's paid off with my career)
    • I've got exceptional long-term memory recall
    • Introspective thinker with a magnanimous outlook (I like helping people)

    I also have a habit of honestly appraising situations, although I think some people find that a bit disarming. I'm quite frank and open in the way human society works, but it's not always what people want to hear. For me, I think that's a good thing as it provides me with a great deal of calm with my outlook on life. I don't take things seriously (money, power, career status etc.).

  • Good idea! This makes a good stance over the "ASD as a disability" thread that's caused quite a lot of debate!

    For me, I'd say the benefits are:

    • Hyper creative brain (I do an enormous amount of writing and it's paid off with my career)
    • I've got exceptional long-term memory recall
    • Introspective thinker with a magnanimous outlook (I like helping people)

    I also have a habit of honestly appraising situations, although I think some people find that a bit disarming. I'm quite frank and open in the way human society works, but it's not always what people want to hear. For me, I think that's a good thing as it provides me with a great deal of calm with my outlook on life. I don't take things seriously (money, power, career status etc.).

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