Waiting mode and "missed" deliveries *a vent*

I have ordered something online. Something I really want, a special treat for having survived a really long bad period. It's a one off, saved for, and I really had to be encouraged by my counselor to do this one nice thing for myself. 

It was due yesterday 11-12. 6pm the app says "sorry we missed you". I have a meltdown because I'm my head it's my fault, they missed me therefore I can't have been listening properly.  It's rescheduled for today 

Due today 2-3pm. Same thing happens. 

Now rescheduled for Monday. 

I have been in waiting mode for 2 days. It's hard to do anything else at all. Yesterday I didn't eat because I was so eager to get it, restless from waiting, jumping every time the dog barked (and she barks at everything) and then too dysregulated after the failed delivery. 

Today I sat in silence on the sofa waiting. No sleep last night so unable to find things to occupy myself today. Watched the delivery app. I put a sign on the door saying "I am here, make the dog bark and I'll know you're there" . I paced. I paced a lot. 5:45 I'm next on the list. Ping. "We're sorry we missed you" app shows him exiting the village. 

Boom. Meltdown. I don't deserve nice things. This is punishment for wasting money. Horrible thoughts about my failings. Clearly I did something wrong.

Mate came round and dealt with the deliver company but they'll only retry on Monday, and only once more. I can't afford to lose the money I spent on this so that's causing more stress. I swear they have not been here. My dog reacts to anyone outside, the repair man this morning didn't even get to knock and she was going nuts. 

Now I'm stuck in a cycle of waiting. I had planned to use the thing this weekend. Now i have no plan for the weekend, I'm tired, I hurt myself in meltdown, and I'm ashamed that someone else had to sort out the delivery company on my behalf. I'm also stuck on the "why wasn't it delivered" I need answers and I can't seem to let it go 

  • I had this problem only a few weeks ago. I ordered this box of fidgets and they were comming on a certain day by 7pm. I waited and waited but they hadnt arrived. My mom kept saying it was probably just running late, and I was fine if that was the case but what bothered me is that the tracker still said at 7pm and it didnt tell me that it was running late. So then I was worring that it was delivered to the wrong address or maybe someone stole it, and a bunch of crazy stuff like that. When I waited a whole other day I messaged the company and said it didnt come and they said they would replace it for free. So then my replacement came but then a few days later my original package showed up! I told them that it came and they said not to worry about returning it. So I decided to donate the second box to my moms work (she works at a school for autistic kids)

    I dont know how to help make it come, but I do know the feeling of waiting and it not comming and it being the only thing you can think about

  • That was a lovely thing to do with the extra box of toys. My mate also spoke to the company I ordered from and got them to give a voucher for the inconvenience, but if it doesn't turn up Monday they will just refund the money. And I have to spend Monday waiting, again. At this point I don't even want it anymore. The joy of the product has vanished. I wish I was normal and could deal with going to shops/speaking to people then things would be easier, but I can't which is why I order online. 

  • I know this feeling Max (‘I wish I was normal and could deal with…..’etc) - I often feel this way too. When ‘ordinary’ everyday things feel so difficult it can be dispiriting. But I’m sure you have many great other qualities, so try not to put yourself down over this. All people - autistic or not - have difficulties, and I would say that very many people get stressed out about rubbish courier companies!

  • I know this feeling Max (‘I wish I was normal and could deal with…..’etc) - I often feel this way too. When ‘ordinary’ everyday things feel so difficult it can be dispiriting. But I’m sure you have many great other qualities, so try not to put yourself down over this. All people - autistic or not - have difficulties, and I would say that very many people get stressed out about rubbish courier companies!

  • Yes I know you're right, my mate showed me the village FB group, there were many complaints on one thread from this week and as the village only has about 900 adults in it I don't think DPD & evri  are reliable here at all. Everyone is stressed out because we are very rural and many rely on couriers as there's no public transport and our nearest decent shopping place is an hour's drive away. There are local towns but beyond supermarkets and DIY stores there's few big chains here to buy from. The high streets in all the towns nearby (nearest 15miles)  are mostly charity or coffee shops. 

    I also think the timings on the delivery app don't seem to work outside of towns. When you get "you're next" and you are delivery 50, he's on 35 and he is showing at being 20 miles away... You definitely aren't next and it's not going to be in the next "15 minutes" they say it will. He might get 15 deliveries done in a few minutes in a city (though I doubt it) when it's miles of single track country lanes between drops the driver doesn't have a hope in hell of keeping to the schedule.