I feel like I am losing my mind...

Hi everyone. My name is Tim, I am 35, and I am a first time poster.

I am going through some struggles at the moment and having sought out a therapist and spoken with him a bit, it is clear to me that there is something psychologically amiss. I have known for many years that I am "special" and that I am different from other people. Most of my friends and family recognise my quirky nature and my odd behaviours. I generally embrace these things too. However lately, I have been feeling like society is expecting things from me, and whenever I consider these things, it sends me into a very bad spiralling pit of anxiety. I often think about leaving and moving to somewhere where I cannot be touched. I am quite functional and I have no official diagnosis.

I have spoken with other people with aspergers and several have told me instantly that I am an aspie. I also exhibit many traits. I am hyper intellectual, I am tenacious, I have high principles and integrity, I am highly focused on detail, I love routine, social scenarios tend to freak me out, and of course, I quite often misinterpret social cues or the words that people use. There are of course many other things that point to me feeling like I have aspergers. But I feel like I need a formal diagnosis, purely to allow me to at least understand if my sometimes erratic behaviour is caused by this.

The anxiety I spoke of above has been triggered by so many things lately. I know deep down that I am neurodivergent, and yet I constantly feel that society is trying to fit me into a box that I just dont belong in. Sometimes these are small things that trigger me and set me off and then leave me down for days. Then other things are more salient. An example of this was when I was called to do jury duty several years ago. It was a very serious case involving the detailed death of a man by two teenage boys. I was stuck right in the middle of the jury box for three full weeks, and towards the end of the case, I had a full blown panic attack right in the middle of proceedings. They let me out for a bit but told me I had to continue - I wanted to actually die! I think back now at that and it makes me feel anxious. The prospect of having to do it again frightens me so much. I genuinely think if I was "compelled" to do my "civic duty" again like that then I would cut myself to be hospitalised. I cannot face it. This is just one example. There are plenty of other examples where I have become so completely anxious. They tend to all involve being coerced into compliance. As with most people I am happy to do things that make sense, but oftentimes I will look at things from a hyper logical point of view which then leads me to questioning society, socially constructed situations, and so on. It starts to become very complex and I cannot discuss it with others as most tell me that I am just over-reacting, which tends to not help. I sometimes wish I could be around those who would just agree with me, who would see what I am saying, or who would atleast realise that this is not just about compliance, its about me feeling trapped and that I have absolutely no choice. The idea of being trapped in such a way frightens me. Furthermore, it is not something I can just see a therapist about. However, it is something that I am hoping an autism diagnosis may help with. I dont necessarily want to be excused from things, but I feel like if I could just tell people who are dealing with me that I have an official diagnosis, hopefully this will result in them not pushing me as much. Does it even work like that?

I have joined this forum as I just feel like I need a bit of support. I feel a little lost and pointless right now. I have a loving partner who is brilliant and very understanding, I have a wonderful family, and I am generally in a good financial position. Still though, I just feel most people dont understand, or even want to understand me. I feel they just look at me and think I need to get a grip. Do I? I dont know anymore. Im tired thinking about it.

Does anyone here have similar experiences? Is there anything you have done or been forced to do that fundamentally affects you? How did you cope? What strategies do you use?

Thanks for reading. Tim Slight smile

  • When I was your age I did not see myself as having mental ill health or autism. Now, around 15 years later I've had diagnoses for both and see myself as having both. I've never been asked to do jury duty. If I had been when younger like when you did I would've 'done my duty' and at that time said nothing about mental ill health and/or autism and just 'sucked it up' as much+best as I could. If I am asked to do jury duty today or in the future I will not hesitate to inform them I have the two diagnoses and see how that goes. I'm hoping that as I'm more honest and aware with myself today than I was this will prove helpful for me generally in society (as society hopefully evolves at the same time too).

  • Hi Tim, welcome to the forum. 

    First I'm really glad to hear you have a loving partner and an accepting family, and I'm sorry to read you are having troubles with anxiety. Do you think you may also fit with a PDA profile of autism? And would you want to be assessed for autism if doing so could help shape the therapy path you need to take to deal with your anxiety?

    Just a heads up too "aspergers" as a term has fallen out of favour, long story short Hans Asperger was revealed to have sent our less functioning fellows to death camps, and of those who know about that it is mostly popular in eugenics circles. Folk may have "aspergers " as the historic diagnosis on file, some even still use the label if they do not know why it is controversial, but now under the new DSM it is all just Autism Spectrum. If you are new to the idea of being autistic you likely didn't know this so I wanted to break it to you in a calm and friendly way before someone who is more prone to offence mentions it. (Not always, but sometimes it can break into a heated topic.)

    Anything else you want to ask us please do. We are here for eachother after all.