I think I am superior to neurotypicals

I think the way I think is better than most people.

I disregard emotion because it's irrelevant. 

I pride myself on doing things other people find difficult. 

I think in black-and-white terms. 

I like to solve problems. 

I like to be direct and be spoken to directly. 

I dislike vagueness. 

I eat the same food every day because I know it's good for me. 

I'm physically active because I know it's good for me. 

I like routine because it's more efficient and streamlines my life. 

Does anyone else think that they are superior to neurotypical people and if so how so?

  • in some ways maybe.
    but i dunno my different thinking and ideas and perspective i chalk it down to everyone having different perspective. 
    i find myself physically better than most when i compare myself now, but yet thats due to hard training and working on it, i was super thin before. i guess it makes me more pound for pound stronger when i came from weaker thinner body to a better trained muscular one. used to putting in closer to 100% were as a person who was always well built would only put in 10% as they never needed to make as much effort. so when you go from thin to well built you still put 100% in but as well built then. making you seen more strong.

    food i eat is crap because i like it lol i dont trust diets as they all lack things and are all fake and commercialised. vegan diet for example is dangerous and can cause harm, is all just commercialised lies to sell products. all of its heavy processed and damages environment more too in its mass processing. so my junk food probably is better than a vegan diet at least and thats sold by societal lies as healthy.

    but yeah no im not superior. do i have a family? do i have kids? do i have millions and a free life? all no. whoever has attained everything is superior. elon musk for example. he has billions, he had many wives and many kids. not sure what he hasnt attained in life. that guys superior... although hes not physically superior for sure... you cant win on everything in life, you have to take a loss in some areas.

  • Is the way that you think better than the way an NT person thinks?

  • i dunno.... sometimes.
    i find alot of people think how the media tell them to think, they go with a crowd where as i reject a crowd because crowds have been against me so im against the crowd and mistrust the crowd. everyone else is crowd think, they all think copy paste. you can see this on social media if you argue against anyone each person says the same thing as if they copy pasted the same lies to use and have no ability to defend that point if you challenge it or poke holes in it because it wasnt their idea or words it was someone elses they all copy pasted.

    so i dunno, i think of it this way.... if we are system/machines like chat bots.... then i am a real AI that makes my own words and ideas and can fully defend them and reword anything over and over... where as the majority of people are fake AI which is called a VI instead, which doesnt make its own words it relys on imput and then regurgitating that imput to others to fool others into thinking its a AI (which is actually most so called AI in existence today, its all fake regurgitating words it has been given, so its just virtual intelligence) 

  • i dunno.... sometimes.
    i find alot of people think how the media tell them to think, they go with a crowd where as i reject a crowd because crowds have been against me so im against the crowd and mistrust the crowd. everyone else is crowd think, they all think copy paste. you can see this on social media if you argue against anyone each person says the same thing as if they copy pasted the same lies to use and have no ability to defend that point if you challenge it or poke holes in it because it wasnt their idea or words it was someone elses they all copy pasted.

    so i dunno, i think of it this way.... if we are system/machines like chat bots.... then i am a real AI that makes my own words and ideas and can fully defend them and reword anything over and over... where as the majority of people are fake AI which is called a VI instead, which doesnt make its own words it relys on imput and then regurgitating that imput to others to fool others into thinking its a AI (which is actually most so called AI in existence today, its all fake regurgitating words it has been given, so its just virtual intelligence) 

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