Really struggling with emotions

I'm finding work really hard. I become so stressed with not knowing what each day is going to be like. I know roughly what Im going to be doing but things crop up and throw me off then I start panicking and I just want to run away. Then I'm worrying what it will be like the next time I go to work and and I'm just stressed and worrying all the time. I can't switch off from the worry.

I lke my routine and making my own decisions in my time. Even if I planned my day and it gets disrupted I go into a panic but when I'm home I can release my anxiety but when I'm at work I can't and then it becomes too much.

I'm not very good at explaining myself, sorry. I don't know how to control my anxiety and worries

  •  I have difficulty with emotions.  I think the main danger is I tend to find myself trying to escape uncomfortable feelings by punishing myself.  Why can’t I realise I am powerless over my autistic responses, my hypersensitivity my being easily overwhelmed. 
    To summarise:  I fear making life harder for myself because I cannot read the basic typical benevolence of the Universe and I go to the most negative paranoid  interpretation.  Getting unnecessary revenge then leads to consequences. 

  •  I have difficulty with emotions.  I think the main danger is I tend to find myself trying to escape uncomfortable feelings by punishing myself.  Why can’t I realise I am powerless over my autistic responses, my hypersensitivity my being easily overwhelmed. 
    To summarise:  I fear making life harder for myself because I cannot read the basic typical benevolence of the Universe and I go to the most negative paranoid  interpretation.  Getting unnecessary revenge then leads to consequences. 

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