Going to appointments (medical)

How do you do it?

By the time I get to any appointment I'm beyond the point of being reasonable. I can't think, can't remember what I needed to say, become situationally mute, and fail to explain what's going on so 9/10 times I leave without being understood and have a meltdown at home after. That's assuming I managed to leave the house in the first place 

I forget that I've experienced things before and classically don't recall how long I've had the problem. I looked up my medical record the other day and found I've actually been complaining about menstruation problems for  my whole adult life, not just the last few years. 

Now I have to go have a scan.   I get a letter, have to open a website and log in, choose from 6 places 2 have a different booking process, all are miles away and just that makes me meltdown. The last medical apt I made myself go to ended with me headbanging against the hospital wall and the medic wrote a stinking letter to my GP telling her off for not mentioning autism in the referral. 

What suggestions do you have for getting to, staying at and communicating at medical appointments? 

I have no family/friends to take me

I got discharged from community support because I couldn't drive to meet him (eye roll) 

I stopped taking notes into apts because a GP was nasty about it and claimed I was making things up to get attention. (he also said 'people who work don't have mental health issues')

Bottom line, I don't trust doctors or professionals after a life time of being ignored because of how I communicate. 

  • I also have trust issues due to my mums lack of care historically. I have a few tips - write everything down

    not all GPs are the same

    leave yourself voice notes

    email yourself notes

    My memory is poor and I zone out when someone is talking to me. As an example I met with my psychiatrist today and forget to take shades with me as the room is so bright. I walked in and the pharmacist was also sat there (unexpected). Then my anxiety peeked and dropped after talking about my medication. I managed to stay focused on what I wanted from the appointment and asked if it will all be sent in a letter, I am just very honest with difficulties. 

  • I also have trust issues due to my mums lack of care historically. I have a few tips - write everything down

    not all GPs are the same

    leave yourself voice notes

    email yourself notes

    My memory is poor and I zone out when someone is talking to me. As an example I met with my psychiatrist today and forget to take shades with me as the room is so bright. I walked in and the pharmacist was also sat there (unexpected). Then my anxiety peeked and dropped after talking about my medication. I managed to stay focused on what I wanted from the appointment and asked if it will all be sent in a letter, I am just very honest with difficulties. 

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