Going to appointments (medical)

How do you do it?

By the time I get to any appointment I'm beyond the point of being reasonable. I can't think, can't remember what I needed to say, become situationally mute, and fail to explain what's going on so 9/10 times I leave without being understood and have a meltdown at home after. That's assuming I managed to leave the house in the first place 

I forget that I've experienced things before and classically don't recall how long I've had the problem. I looked up my medical record the other day and found I've actually been complaining about menstruation problems for  my whole adult life, not just the last few years. 

Now I have to go have a scan.   I get a letter, have to open a website and log in, choose from 6 places 2 have a different booking process, all are miles away and just that makes me meltdown. The last medical apt I made myself go to ended with me headbanging against the hospital wall and the medic wrote a stinking letter to my GP telling her off for not mentioning autism in the referral. 

What suggestions do you have for getting to, staying at and communicating at medical appointments? 

I have no family/friends to take me

I got discharged from community support because I couldn't drive to meet him (eye roll) 

I stopped taking notes into apts because a GP was nasty about it and claimed I was making things up to get attention. (he also said 'people who work don't have mental health issues')

Bottom line, I don't trust doctors or professionals after a life time of being ignored because of how I communicate. 

  • Same. Tbh I deal with it by spending hours researching medical conditions, reading studies, and then sourcing treatments to try, either OTC, from UK online doctor services, or from overseas pharmacies for stuff that would require prescription in the UK. It's not ideal but I find it easier and more effective than communicating with a GP, and I have managed to solve my menstruation issues that way. I have the same problem as you in that I go to the GP and end up leaving without anything being addressed because I've failed to communicate the issue fully in the few minutes available. Notes only work if they will agree to read them, which most won't.

  • I'm really sorry you've had the same experiences. I've taken to writing e consults before making a gp apt which seems to help because they have to triage the consult therefore they have to read it.

    I'd be really interested to hear about solving the menstrual issue. The coil did for a while but they won't put another one back in because of how difficult I find the removal. I've currently got an arm implant and desogestrel and am on 40 days out of 50. Pm is fine if you would like to share privately but I get it's a sensitive topic. 

  • My GP has recently introduced e consult so perhaps that will help.

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