
Television seems to be full of Christmas adverts now that Halloween’s out of the way. For some reason they’re making me feel really anxious. 

Are you looking forward to Christmas?

  • Nope. Childhood Christmases were not fun. Adult ones even less so. I've been asked to two places, sibling and friends. Now I have to make a choice, someone will be upset I didn't pick them, I'll have to be careful to watch my tongue cos the kids are clearly ND and not being seen a such and I get pissed off that their dysregulation is ignored and I'll have to eat things I don't like to please others 

    Think I'll stay home and watch Doctor Who. Thankfully there's is one thing good about Xmas. Thanks RTD from bringing Xmas Who back. 

  • Nope. Childhood Christmases were not fun. Adult ones even less so. I've been asked to two places, sibling and friends. Now I have to make a choice, someone will be upset I didn't pick them, I'll have to be careful to watch my tongue cos the kids are clearly ND and not being seen a such and I get pissed off that their dysregulation is ignored and I'll have to eat things I don't like to please others 

    Think I'll stay home and watch Doctor Who. Thankfully there's is one thing good about Xmas. Thanks RTD from bringing Xmas Who back. 

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