
Television seems to be full of Christmas adverts now that Halloween’s out of the way. For some reason they’re making me feel really anxious. 

Are you looking forward to Christmas?

  • On Youtube so many of the adverts are Xmas related all ready and the other day I saw shops have Xmas stuff for sale as well lololol. 

    The worst time of the year for sure. I like the music and I like the Xmas films but the hype is insane. People go insane! Busy shops, people pushing and shouting...and at home it's just as bad loud music and bright lights...big family party.

    School is bad to Xmas concert and play. Then there's the rotten secret santa omg I hate it lolol. Please let Christmas be forgotten this year Joy

  • On Youtube so many of the adverts are Xmas related all ready and the other day I saw shops have Xmas stuff for sale as well lololol. 

    The worst time of the year for sure. I like the music and I like the Xmas films but the hype is insane. People go insane! Busy shops, people pushing and shouting...and at home it's just as bad loud music and bright lights...big family party.

    School is bad to Xmas concert and play. Then there's the rotten secret santa omg I hate it lolol. Please let Christmas be forgotten this year Joy

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