
Television seems to be full of Christmas adverts now that Halloween’s out of the way. For some reason they’re making me feel really anxious. 

Are you looking forward to Christmas?

  • The short answer is no.

    Although it will just be me and my adult son, I currently feel like I just cannot be bothered with any of it. However, I am hoping that my mood will start to improve closer to Christmas, as there are some aspects of it that I usually do enjoy.

    For example, I get a lot of enjoyment from looking at the collection of Christmas ornaments and pictures I've built up over the years. I also like the fact that I can pig out on food that I love, but normally wouldn't buy the rest of the year.

  • Yes that is a good thing at Christmas if the ornaments remind you of good times in the past. I have some like that and that is a good thing. Hoping your collection will help.

  • My Christmas ornaments don't hold any sentimental value as such, I just like looking at them. Relaxed

    Whilst I appreciate that Christmas can be a sensory Hell for some, it has always been my idea of sensory Heaven. When I have the energy and patience, I really like to go to town with Christmas decorations and illuminations. However, I cannot abide rapidly flashing Christmas lights. The multi-function coloured sets with a gentle slow/fade setting are more my cup of tea.

  • My Christmas ornaments don't hold any sentimental value as such, I just like looking at them. Relaxed

    Whilst I appreciate that Christmas can be a sensory Hell for some, it has always been my idea of sensory Heaven. When I have the energy and patience, I really like to go to town with Christmas decorations and illuminations. However, I cannot abide rapidly flashing Christmas lights. The multi-function coloured sets with a gentle slow/fade setting are more my cup of tea.

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