Inefficiency at work

Just wanted to know how many of those in work get really frustrated by inefficient work systems. I know it must frustrate everyone but it seems I can get way more annoyed by it than anyone else sometimes to a point where I can't work in that particular job because I know the inefficient system won't change. I just sit there thinking this whole thing is such a waste of time and effort and resources . I don't know I just find it so unbearable and wondered whether other felt the same.

Parents Reply
  • Totally agree, don’t understand how unbothered people are at work especially if it’s completely ineffective, I’m a proper jobs worth haha! And I’m very moralistic so when it comes to any concerns i literally can never ignore it

  • Me too! I sometimes feel like I have to remind myself I'm doing the right thing because you feel against it sometimes.

  • Oh wow really! I definitely understand then! Yes I’ve always battled, sometimes it’s appreciated and respected,sometimes I’m just causing people more work and they try and sift me out because they know I always fight for what’s just and expose their incompetence/ laziness

  • I'm in healthcare too! Sometimes I find it impossible.

  • Yes I’m the same, im always ‘opening a can of worms’ (one supervisors phrase), can’t keep my mouth shut but I have always worked in healthcare so literally could not have that on my conscience and everyone is someone’s loved one, I’m like that in general ‘too’ caring! 

  • Haha totally get this. I get that we all have off days and all make mistakes but sometimes you can just see it glaring that someone isn't doing their job. The high morals as well I just could never do any job where I have to be immoral or I'm forced to be. I've had to do this sometimes in jobs because of pressures or unspoken rules and I've either complained and became 'a trouble maker' or I've had to leave. I hate any form of dishonesty in my work and I struggle when I can see people happily just been complicit.

  • Not just in my own job either, I’m sick of everyone I deal with not doing their job properly from the gp to my car insurance provider, everything’s an ‘admin error’