Good PIP news

Hi all - 

I don't have a lot of people I can share this with IRL so I thought I'd post here. 

I applied for my PIP this summer and got a call earlier this week to say it has been granted. I am OVER the moon. 

Everything I read online says that the process is impossible to navigate, you're always rejected first time - so expect to fight - and even if you aren't rejected, the whole thing takes months/years to work through the system. My experience couldn't have been more different. I made 1 call and was emailed the form - I filled in the form at GREAT LENGTH using a guide on the citizens advice website to help input all the relevant information under the right questions. After this was sent off I had regular texts to say where my form was in the process. Recently I had a call from an outsourced nurse who wanted to clarify 2-3 things with me, which lasted about 30-40 mins. Then I got the call to say I have been awarded PIP and to await a letter with the financial breakdown. It took 10 weeks and 1 day start to finish. 

To say I am astonished doesn't cover it - I was certain I would be rejected as that is what all of the literature online indicates.

This benefit support will be life-changing for me - I hadn't realised how tense and stressed I've been about it until that call came earlier this week.

Finally feel like I can breathe again! 

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