Everyday seems to be another turn of the screw.

I’m just finding that a simple task becomes hell on earth. I can’t go into details tonight, I don’t have the energy. People can be so horrible, they give these hints, just be honest, I do honest! 

  • Morning Roy.  Life ain't easy....but you know that...and...people ain't easy.....but you know that too.

    Accordingly - you are probably just suffering due to your honesty and knowledge.  There are worse things!!

    If you can carve out some me-time tinkering with the motors and chilling with Otis.....I'm confident that you will feel more settled and centred again very soon.  Overwhelm and upset hits us all - but it soon passes.


  • Thank you my friend, I still haven’t got out of bed yet, I managed to endure my birthday this week so that is done for another year, my wife has an angiogram this afternoon in an eye, obviously horrible for her, I have to be subjected to the large waiting room, I think for once I’m actually going to use my noise cancelling headphones in public, I need to.

    Yesterday was my normal reverse Midas touch, everything I touch turns to Sh*t. My house had building work over 20 years ago and apparently the builder never had the work signed off, the builder, carpenter and architect are all now deceased, ( not by my hand) my house buyers had a survey and the matter was raised and questions as to the construction. The property has no cracks anywhere and this is 20 years on, it could have been dealt with by a £200 indemnity policy but the buyer approached the council without my consent, ignorance now can’t be pleaded so an indemnity is no longer feasible. The buyers stated that if I had a full structural survey then that would suffice.

    Full structural survey carried out including thermal imaging of the ceilings to show joists and steels. Very expensive and no faults found. Only slight fault was I hadn’t fitted linked smoke alarms.  Used my app for a  large company that sells screws as part of their name, two alarms in stock and 57% discounted, couldn’t reserve them as needed to put cash into my account. 
    Went to small Post Office yesterday to put cash in, local banks all gone. Card declined, weird as I was putting money in. The man in the Post Office is always rude, I was told to refer to my card supplier. I drove to the main post office and had no change for parking, finally realised the barrier was up at the Supermarket. Deposited money, no problems. Drove to get alarms and they had been sold 5 minutes previously, can’t be ordered as discontinued, the young girl said cheerfully that the next nearest branch had two, I drove there and roadworks, finally collected them and got to work at 11am, had left sandwiches at home. 
    Solicitor contacted me to confirm the survey had been accepted but the buyer has decided they still want the works signed off, spent hours trying to speak to someone at Building Control, most of my file was never transferred to computer years ago. I now have to pay to have the case reopened. I would have made more progress taking to my cat!

    Got home and fitted alarms, one is faulty and won’t clone to the other.  The dog went mad from the noise of the working alarm and cr*pped on the floor.

    This morning I emailed my solicitor from my laptop, I only email my solicitor as telephones cause too much anxiety, I decided to be honest and told her of my autism and how much the constant questions from different people are affecting my mental health. She has now sent a lovely reply, she is going to liaise with all the different departments and take the load away from me at no extra charge. She does like nice wine though, that actually made me smile.

    It’s assumed that men just become Victor Meldrew when they age, I just find the world bewildering. Wife joked last night, we seem to have lost two more plates to the wheelie bin! I just replied that I had been rearranging the.

    sorry for the long rant, I just needed to talk to someone. Sorry also if it’s full of typos.

  • Oh yes, thanks for explaining - now I understand.  You've had a bad case of diarrhoea.

    [Disambiguation - Although we all know that sh it happens - and we have learnt to deal with that....when the sh it doesn't stop happening - in an endless uncomfortable stream of horribleness = diarrhoea.]

    I think this is what Otis was trying to tell you !!

    Rant anytime at me mate - no bother at all.

  • I like Egg-o-stop, as I feel it's a more accurate description. Grin

  • Truth, reality and straightforwardness can be fun !  I have a chum (one of us, but not on here) with whom we play that game of renaming things to be more accurate and clear.......we can often have each other in fits !!

  • Lol at egg-o-stop. 

  • I think that, technically speaking, it would be most accurate to re-title the menopause as Egg-o-stop.

    It might not surprise you, Sparkly, to hear that I am not often allowed to name things !

  • No, Man Flu is much worse, there is no known cure for it, I’ve been told the pain is similar to child birth, apparently that stings a bit. Man Flu still has the edge on it pain wise. (I will go and hide now) 

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