
I’m reading Pete Wharmby’s book and came across this:

“An interesting phenomenon that many late-diagnosed autistic people report is that straight after their diagnosis, their relationships with their family, friends and especially work colleagues start to break down a little”

I have noticed this. Every single person I was remotely friendly with at work has distanced themselves from me since my diagnosis and I’ve been wondering why, as I haven’t deliberately on consciously unmasked.

Have any of you experienced this?

  • Do they know about your diagnosis? Or have you not told them? As I guess if they are aware maybe they see you differently now? Or do you think you’re maybe subconsciously acting differently around them? 
    I’ve found it’s such a hard time after just receiving my diagnosis as I’m filled with so many emotions and have started being so much more self aware, maybe they’ve picked up on that?

    maybe talk to them about it? See if they also feel a distance in the relationship now? 

    hope it sorts itself out :) 

  • Do they know about your diagnosis? Or have you not told them? As I guess if they are aware maybe they see you differently now? Or do you think you’re maybe subconsciously acting differently around them? 
    I’ve found it’s such a hard time after just receiving my diagnosis as I’m filled with so many emotions and have started being so much more self aware, maybe they’ve picked up on that?

    maybe talk to them about it? See if they also feel a distance in the relationship now? 

    hope it sorts itself out :) 

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