Possible Autism 9 Year Old & First Period.

I have a 9 year old daughter who is going through the process of being diagnosed as autism. 

Evalyn has always been unique. It's quite a lot to explain but the school mentioned that they feel Evalyn has autism last year. 

We moved house which meant a change of school. Coming from a school with 11 children in the whole school to a big city school which has 27 children in each class. The new school feels the autism was masked with being in a smaller school. 

Anyway the more we research autism the more we are positive Evalyn has this so we are putting in steps now to try and help her. 

Along with this Evalyn has other health issues such as sight problems. This is a deterioration in her eye sight. She was once perfect eyesight in 2020 and now -3.75 in one eye and -4.0 in another eye. Evalyn also now has vacant episodes and the pediatrician thinks she is having childhood mini seizures. 

So with all this going on Evalyn started her period this week and is not coping with it very well. 

Does anyone have any ideas on how I can help her understand this and the steps she has to take. I have told her, I have shown her and I have made lists for her to read but she doesn't seem to have taken it in. She does have issues with following sequences and she struggles emotionally. It's like her brain goes into flight or fight mode. 

I just want to comfort her so badly but she can't even handle a hug of me or anyone. 

How do I comfort her? 

Please help. I just need help to help her. 

  • Could I suggest period knickers, Asda, m&s and sainsburys do girls sizes and there are lots online stores as well, pads and tampons are not good when you have sensory issues xxx with regards eyesight that level of vision isn’t a big concern unless there’s other sight/ eye issues you didn’t mention. With regards the vacant staring- I always did that as a child, all through teens and still do, I unintentionally’zone put’ and I have noticed a pattern that’s it when I’m overstimulated but it’s not a conscious decision and quite common in asd xxx

  • I'm looking into period knickers now. 

    With regards to the eyesight. She had perfect eyesight in 2020 then she developed migraines then her right eye turned outwards which made me take her to the optiocians in 2021 and since then she has a multiple decline in eye sight every eye test (3 times a year). Now she passes out (no more migraines). I think its all that has me concerned. 

  • Yes I understand migraines are a worry, yes period knickers work very well for my daughter and I and we are both are very heavy and can wear them all day for school- you don’t get the odour you do with the material of a disposable pad but research different absorbencies and brands, also make sure you rinse and soak then, put them on their own on high temp wash then a rinse cycle, and don’t use fab conditioner with them as it’s ruins the absorbing quality, they’re discreet, comfy and decrease adore but I appreciate everyone is different and it can be trial and error but just an option for you to try that’s worked wonders for us, wear all day, no leaks, no smell xxx

  • Apologies my phone changed nearly every word I type!

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