Advice for tackling burn out?

I'm realising at the moment just how severely burnt out I am. I'm exhausted. My brain can't function. My baseline has evaporated and I'm just in the floor mentally, doing way worse than normal. 

I've tried resting by playing video games, watching TV, YouTube, etc, but no matter what, I don't seem to gain energy back and recover. My tolerance for coping with day to day changes and sensory stimuli is really bad. 

Does anyone have advice for recovering from burn out? My brain just constantly feels on the go. Read from a page that autistic people don't ever truly recover from burn out, and I suppose I'm wondering if that's true. 

  • For me burnout is impossible to deal with because I am guaranteed to suffer from burn out due to my job, and I have to do my job or I won't be able to pay any of my bills and will be homeless.

    It's sad/pathetic, because I don't have a bad job, it's just that I find everything more draining than other people, and even basic chores around the house I struggle to stay on top of because I'm so burnt out all the time, and it means I can never pursue my own interests. This is no life to live, but I don't see any alternative outside of winning the lottery.

  • I’ve been stuck in the same position for the last three years. I sort of nearly almost recover at the weekend but by Thursday or Friday I’m absolutely exhausted and useless at work. 

    But what can we do? As you say, bills need to be paid.

  • Yeah I just about start feeling normal on Sunday night, and then it's right back into it. But I feel like each week, I'm recovering to a lower level than before, so I end up completely burnt out in a way I can't recover.

    I eventually have to use my holiday days, not to go on holiday, but just to do nothing for a week or so. It's the only time I begin to feel normal again.

  • Yeah I just about start feeling normal on Sunday night, and then it's right back into it. But I feel like each week, I'm recovering to a lower level than before, so I end up completely burnt out in a way I can't recover.

    I eventually have to use my holiday days, not to go on holiday, but just to do nothing for a week or so. It's the only time I begin to feel normal again.

  • Yes I’ve been doing the same. I’ve also had a few weeks signed off sick this year and last but I don’t think I can get away with that again.

    I’m concentrating on improving my sleep just - doing lots of reading and watching podcasts, got myself a super bright lamp for the mornings, trying to enforce a regular sleep pattern and not eat before bed. But I think I also need to start engaging more with my interests again, to energise myself.

    I’m not giving in to this!