Advice for tackling burn out?

I'm realising at the moment just how severely burnt out I am. I'm exhausted. My brain can't function. My baseline has evaporated and I'm just in the floor mentally, doing way worse than normal. 

I've tried resting by playing video games, watching TV, YouTube, etc, but no matter what, I don't seem to gain energy back and recover. My tolerance for coping with day to day changes and sensory stimuli is really bad. 

Does anyone have advice for recovering from burn out? My brain just constantly feels on the go. Read from a page that autistic people don't ever truly recover from burn out, and I suppose I'm wondering if that's true. 

Parents Reply
  • It's generally accepted that the first step to recovery is to remove as far as possible external pressures and demands together with reducing expectations.

    Try to reduce masking is another important thing I forgot to mention. Masking is physically and emotionally exhausting and bad for our mental health. It is one of the key contributors to burnout.

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