when people say - we are all a little autistic....

Feel  like am being my usual over sensitive self and maybe they just caught me on the wrong day (I have my assessment tomorow and am in a whirlwind of thought thinking about my whole life)
But I said about eing autistic to someone today - they replied "well we are all a little autistic" to which I laighed off and said "well no we aren't"

that should have been the end of it but they carried on trying to justify what they had said "Och yeah but some are higher up than others but" where I cut her off and said I will come back when someone else is here.

I mean would that have annoyed you guys?? why keep going on when I said No we arent surely that was enough to stop not try argue your case ARGH!

Now I cant stop going over it in my head......am I too sensitive, am I beig easily offended

  • I don't think you're oversensitive. That was an insensitive thing for her to say in my opinion. Don't let this upset you, focus on your assessment and don't let her get to you. Oh and best of luck with your assessment tomorrow. I hope it goes amazingly for you.

  • I don't think you're oversensitive. That was an insensitive thing for her to say in my opinion. Don't let this upset you, focus on your assessment and don't let her get to you. Oh and best of luck with your assessment tomorrow. I hope it goes amazingly for you.

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