when people say - we are all a little autistic....

Feel  like am being my usual over sensitive self and maybe they just caught me on the wrong day (I have my assessment tomorow and am in a whirlwind of thought thinking about my whole life)
But I said about eing autistic to someone today - they replied "well we are all a little autistic" to which I laighed off and said "well no we aren't"

that should have been the end of it but they carried on trying to justify what they had said "Och yeah but some are higher up than others but" where I cut her off and said I will come back when someone else is here.

I mean would that have annoyed you guys?? why keep going on when I said No we arent surely that was enough to stop not try argue your case ARGH!

Now I cant stop going over it in my head......am I too sensitive, am I beig easily offended

  • It depends on who says it and in what context. Sometimes it can be a reassuring statement, designed to make said person feel less alone and relatable.

    Other times it's said with a we're all a bit autistic so grow up feel to it. I had this from a GP during COVID when I was stressed out and in a bad place and she said well we're all a little autistic but it was with a tone that told me I'm not the only one.

    I changed GP after and she didn't help me.

  • Some context - I used ro run an family autism group till I got so overwhelmed a local soft play took over and it means I dont have to always attend so the group will run once a month whether I make it or not and tonight I dont feel up to going to the group so I was just wanting to pay the groups session - I have the groups bank card so I still hold that responsibiliy.

    The lady in the soft play wasnt someone I knew and when I asked for the boss who I usually deal with I ended up going on and on and telling her too much which I then apologised for and said sorry am austistic and go off on a tangent which was then she laughed and said arent we all - and there was no malious in it - I laughed it off it was then she started to go on after I said no we arent - instead of just leaving it at that going on about yeah but some are higher levels......I just stopped her there and said I wil come back when the boss is here I didnt want someone explaiing to me how everyone has autism

    I do react quick sometimes I wish I had just stopped her and said can I just pay this bill instead of walking out but thats always the case with me I think of better ways to deal after the situation

  • I would just say, "Well, not everyone is diagnosable as autistic". Follow this up with, "If you think you are autistic, see your GP and ask to be referred for an autism assessment". 

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