Mental health worker job interview!

So I have a an interview for a job I applied for a couple for a couple of weeks ago. I'm really pleased as I've been job hunting for a while and never managed to bag an interview so this feels like real progress.

Anyway it is a job for a mental health and wellbeing peer support worker. This is quite the career pivot for me as I currently work in a lab that manufactures blood grouping reagents and have a very scientific background. It's fair to say this interview will be quite different to ones i've experienced before as I've never applied for this sort of role before.

Does anyone have any experience in a mental health support role or similar and can offer advice on the interview? I really don't want to muck this up. 

Take care,


  • I lived in supported accommodation for 2 years and had support workers so I have a deep appreciation for what they do. Back then I did want to go into that field of work myself and I even started to volunteer for an LGBGTQIA+ charity at the time as a way of getting there but then my CPTSD made a grand entrance and I've been unable to work since then. 

    I don't have any particular advice to offer, but I do extend gratitude for the fact you're going into this interview as I know and have seen how it can change lives. Unsure if you use tiktok but I see lots of people on there giving advice on how to interview well, unsure if that will help.

    Anyway, good luck with the interview, I hope it goes well!

  • I'm sorry to hear about the barriers you've faced with getting into the field. I think the more people like yourself that value the sort of work the better the world will be! Thank you for the well wishes!

  • That is kind of you thank you. And no problem at all.

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