Tired at the end of the day?

Does anyone else fine they are just exhausted come the end of the day? I am sleeping well, and I am fine when I am working (I work from home most of the time, so it's not like there is lots of social interaction to burn me out - just occasional zoom meetings).  I don't have any problems with my energy, but once I have finished, walked my dog and had something to eat, I just have nothing left in the tank.  Literally all I want to do is go and sit in bed.

I used to indulge in my hobbies and special interests in the early evening, but they have all just gone by the wayside as I just have nothing left, nor much motivation to do anything as I am so tired. I just sit in bed with Apple TV on.

Does this resonate with anyone else?  I never used to have this problem, but I just seem to have no energy at all these days once work is done.  Exercise doesn't seem to help much either.

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  • I have no problems with sleep quality. I struggle enormously with staying awake past 8pm BST / 7pm GMT. I typically fall asleep around this time and sleep for about 7-8 hours, waking up wide awake and ready to start the day around 3am. It's not the schedule I would ideally like to keep. A bright screen helps to avoid my bedtime drifting even earlier and sometimes even wakes me up enough to leave the house in the evening, which means I'm able to attend classes which only run in the evenings. If I read after sundown, I very quickly fall asleep for the night, which isn't usually what I want at the time I use the screen to wake me up (usually around 5-6pm).

    I find it incredibly frustrating to talk about sleep as people ignore what I'm saying and jump into giving advice for how to fall asleep earlier in the evening, which is the opposite of my goal.