
Hi all. My elder brother is has not been diagnosed but I'm 100% sure he is on the spectrum and has aspergers. I was wondering what your views were on the benefits of getting a diagnosis for him. He is reluctant to talk about autism and not keen on seeing a doctor or specialist of any nature. Would appreciate your views and thoughts. Thanks

  • I think your older brother has to come to terms with it himself before he approaches the idea of diagnosis.

    Many adults feel that being diagnosed will adversely affect their careers. I have a friend in a similar position who feels that her employer would be unsupportive of having an autistic employee.

    For my friend realising that she is probably autistic adhd as well as knowing she is OCD is helping her understand her children more and push for assessment of her kids.

    She doesn't want assessing herself and she doesn't really want other people to know. As a recently diagnosed adult I find that quite hard to understand but I have to accept that's what she wishes and let her do it her way. All you can do is be there for your brother if and when he realises that he may be autistic. It sucks I know and I'm sorry.

  • Only my view but I would say no, he needs to accept or even engage in the possibility of autism first.  There is an old saying, “ you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink.”

    It’s really good that he has a family member who is trying to understand autism. Keep researching and just try to advise him when he’s struggling. If someone had mentioned autism to me even 3 years ago, I would have totally dismissed the idea. One day it just all of a sudden made perfect sense.

  • He is reluctant to talk about autism and not keen on seeing a doctor or specialist of any nature.

    I would advocate respecting his choice and don't push.

    You can help by reading up on some of the issues he has that you believe to be autistic and offer advice on how to deal with them without pushing him to get a label that many still find unpleasant.

    If your advice shows results then he may come around to wantng to find out more in which case you can point him in the right direction.