Has anyone experienced corporal punishments in school?

I was talking with somebody who got offended because the school won't allow "stimming" for students. Lol, I remember back then, when nobody took child psychology seriously and the primary school teachers used corporal punishments as teaching tools. I remember some kids, probably on the spectrum, that received so many ruler strikes on their finger that they ended up bleeding all over. More than one had to leave school because "they won't stop fidgeting". The other kids used to bully them horribly afterwards, since the teacher used to vent their frustrations on us after having their way with them. I wonder where they ended up, with little education and loads of untreated mental issues. No wonder so many people of my generation are totally mentally fouled up.

Was that a thing, back then in UK? I wonder if it was only linked to my s***hole country. I was born it the 70's, by the way 

  • A specially manufactured leather strap (about 10 inches long about 2 inches wide and about 3 16ths thick) was used in all the schools I attended from aged 7 upwards. In  the North of England it was just called 'the strap' in Scotland it had a special name a 'tawse', in Ireland a similar implement (but with a wooden handle) was known as a 'pandybat'.

  • lol, in my school they used a wooden ruler. One of the teachers was an enormous, obese woman with plenty of gaudy rings. She liked to give open hand slaps that left nasty cuts and bruises. Too bad that I never managed to track her down, I really wanted to show her something about face blows. I understand that almost all her pupils were chavs and chavettes,  but what the hell. 

  • I had a teacher of English who would call children out individually to mark their exercise books. Any mistake in spelling, punctuation or grammar would result in a rap across the knuckles with a ruler. Not a punishment for misbehaviour, just making a mistake. I think some of my teachers were psychopaths.

  • I find it hard to believe classmates who say they enjoyed the schools I attended

    Stockholm syndrome is paradoxical because the sympathetic sentiments that captives feel towards their captors are the opposite of the fear and disdain which an onlooker might feel towards the captors.

    There are four key components that characterize Stockholm syndrome:

    • A hostage's development of positive feelings towards the captor
    • No previous relationship between hostage and captor
    • A refusal by hostages to cooperate with police and other government authorities
    • A hostage's belief in the humanity of the captor, ceasing to perceive them as a threat, when the victim holds the same values as the aggressor


  • I find it hard to believe classmates who say they enjoyed the schools I attended. Either their memories are defective or being an undiagnosed autistic child made the threat of violence that much worse for me. Alternatively, it might be a bit of both.

  • Can’t believe I didn’t understand that as a child.

    There are tons of things that it took me decades to realise about myself, so not realising that as a child is understandable.

    We are subject to the whims and predilections of adults unfortunately, as children.

  • I wasn’t subject to corporal punishment but I was given endless lines and telling off because of my terrible handwriting.

    Years later a more enlightened teacher realised I was just left handed. Can’t believe I didn’t understand that as a child.

  • I heard that in Victorian England teachers were nicknamed "Flaybottomist", and that the notion of them being sadistic psychos was normal knowledge.

    The further back you go in history, the worse schools were.

    I've mentioned in another thread that a chap I worked with in the Catholic Church was schooled in a Catholic school and was hit on the knuckles with the edge of a ruler every time he tried to write with his left hand.

    My mother was locked in a cupboard all day.

  • I heard that in Victorian England teachers were nicknamed "Flaybottomist", and that the notion of them being sadistic psychos was normal knowledge.

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