Extreme male brain theory

I have thought since young that I have a male type brain, so, long before I even knew about autism, let alone that I am autistic.

Thinking about that today I did a random Googly and came up with this test:


I found curious that whether or not one is autistic is one of the preliminary questions, so I researched my result (Type S – hyper-systemizer – AQ score 10).

This is when I realised that the theory was created by Baron-Cohen:


Researching further I learnt that the theory is controversial.

Here is one link, but there are many on the Googlyweb:


I am probably teaching some of you to ‘suck eggs’ (not literally) but in any case, I’d really like to learn more about this, as, per my intro, I’ve felt much more akin to male than female all my life, so any input would be much appreciated, however random.

Also, if anyone would like to share their 'score' that would be interesting.

  • ok i got 1 in both categories and a brain type b lol

    that test is totally wrong as i answered the standard normal human way, i dont care where a river flows or comes from because its not of my concern, i dont care how a chair is made so long as it can take my weight. so because i care not for any of these things i get low systemising score that is apparently female?

    isnt that a bit sexist? like saying women dont think of these intricate deep things? when in reality its more guys like me who dont actually care about those things really... i think these posh university kids are clueless on life and need to go out there and get life experience, this is all the test tells me.

  • I did A level geography and a year of geology at university, so river routes and tracing them mean something to me. If I come across an odd chair I haven't seen before, I will have a look to see how it is made, I can offer no rationalization for this, however.

  • the only reason id pay attention to a chair is to see if its functional.

    swivel chair? you have to check the thingy to see if its attached or been spun off. give it a shave and spin and put a bit of weight on first before i trust my entire body weight on it.

    thats the only reason id bother checking chairs really, and to see if anyones left dirt all over it.

  • the only reason id pay attention to a chair is to see if its functional.

    swivel chair? you have to check the thingy to see if its attached or been spun off. give it a shave and spin and put a bit of weight on first before i trust my entire body weight on it.

    thats the only reason id bother checking chairs really, and to see if anyones left dirt all over it.

  • thats the only reason id bother checking chairs really, and to see if anyones left dirt all over it.

    Or the experience I had when I visited London once.

    I entered the tube carriage and sat down on a pool of warm piss, just freshly laid.

    I got my hands in it too.

    As I'd just arrived there it ruined my day.

    There was an article I read once where the tube train seats were tested for germs and the results were horrific Scream