Extreme male brain theory

I have thought since young that I have a male type brain, so, long before I even knew about autism, let alone that I am autistic.

Thinking about that today I did a random Googly and came up with this test:


I found curious that whether or not one is autistic is one of the preliminary questions, so I researched my result (Type S – hyper-systemizer – AQ score 10).

This is when I realised that the theory was created by Baron-Cohen:


Researching further I learnt that the theory is controversial.

Here is one link, but there are many on the Googlyweb:


I am probably teaching some of you to ‘suck eggs’ (not literally) but in any case, I’d really like to learn more about this, as, per my intro, I’ve felt much more akin to male than female all my life, so any input would be much appreciated, however random.

Also, if anyone would like to share their 'score' that would be interesting.

  • I have type S brain, SQ 14, while my EQ was a measly 2. However, other people's distress affects me greatly - a different type of empathy, presumably. On a different systematising test I scored 91, the average for autistic males being 81.4, for neurotypical males 69.6 - I seem to be a hyper systematiser. I would challenge the idea that systematising ability is inversely proportional to empathy in a fixed relationship, however. I  imagine that both could coexist in the same person.

  • I seem to prove your last sentence Martin.
    I got:
    Your Empathy score (EQ): 12

    Most females score 6 to 16.
    Most males score 4 to 15.
    If you score 0 to 4 you are low on empathy, and if you score 16 to 20 you score high on empathy. 

    Your Systemizing score (SQ): 10

    Most females score 2 to 9.
    Most males score 3 to 11.
    If you score 0 to 3 you are low in your systemizing drive, and if you score 12 to 20, you are high on your systemizing drive.

    Your brain type classification: Type B


    I find that really interesting as it looks like I'd expect from maybe a clever NT but it doesn't actually say anything about my autism profile, because being able to read the neurotypicals on an academic level doesn't mean I can communicate with them smoothly because it's like I'm a broken/finicky 2 way radio I can receive the messages but I most often can't send them out. Also none of the questions were about sensory stuff or anything else I ticked the box on to meet my diagnosis. I guess that means this test like others that have come before it are not the be all and end all of diagnostic tools.

  • I seem to prove your last sentence Martin.
    I got:
    Your Empathy score (EQ): 12

    Most females score 6 to 16.
    Most males score 4 to 15.
    If you score 0 to 4 you are low on empathy, and if you score 16 to 20 you score high on empathy. 

    Your Systemizing score (SQ): 10

    Most females score 2 to 9.
    Most males score 3 to 11.
    If you score 0 to 3 you are low in your systemizing drive, and if you score 12 to 20, you are high on your systemizing drive.

    Your brain type classification: Type B


    I find that really interesting as it looks like I'd expect from maybe a clever NT but it doesn't actually say anything about my autism profile, because being able to read the neurotypicals on an academic level doesn't mean I can communicate with them smoothly because it's like I'm a broken/finicky 2 way radio I can receive the messages but I most often can't send them out. Also none of the questions were about sensory stuff or anything else I ticked the box on to meet my diagnosis. I guess that means this test like others that have come before it are not the be all and end all of diagnostic tools.

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