Petition for wrongful detention

I saw this on the NAS homepage. I thought I would share it here in case anyone is interested in signing. Wrongful detention of autistic children and adults occurs far too often. It has happened to me twice, and once for my sister.

  • Despite so many of us signing this and NAS hand delivering the petition to Downing Street the government has ignored it Disappointed

    Extract from the NAS email last week:

    "Yesterday (7 November), the Government dropped its promised Mental Health Bill. We really hoped that Tuesday’s King’s Speech would be used as an opportunity to finally bring the crucial measures in the Bill before Parliament. But despite a massive 18,234 of you signing our open letter to Rishi Sunak demanding the outdated Mental Health Act is urgently reformed, we’ve been let down, again."

  • How do we change this? Is it possible to ask them why they didn't do it? Is it a matter of awareness? Is it a matter of cost? What actually needs to be done to make change happen? It is all well and good saying this needs to change but if they are just going to ignore you then it doesn't really matter. So we need to figure out a way to make change happen. What can be done differently? Who do you need to talk to? Who actually has the power to make decisions and how do we get them to make those decisions?

    Also, why does change happen? If you can figure out why some changes happen you can figure out where you went wrong and then improve it.

  • .Gov petitions that get at least 10,000 signatures are required to at least get a response.

    I'm not going to be online for a good while in general after the next few mins as ADHD means I only get work done when the wifi is off, but if you have time to make a petition and kick up a big stink on social media using all the autism hashtags that will be a start.

  • Social Skills. It always boils down to having social skills. AHHHHHHH. Ok. If I want to make a difference then I first need to be able to change myself, if I can't change myself how can I expect to change others. My first step, can be split into two parts my mindset, which can be changed by reading Thich Nhat Hanh and actually practicing his techniques, and the second comes from understanding social skills. Daniel Wendler has a book leveling up your social skills which will be a good place to start. I think there is also a book Influence by Robert Cialdini but that is advanced I need to create a strong foundation. Walk before I can run.

  • Social Skills. It always boils down to having social skills. AHHHHHHH. Ok. If I want to make a difference then I first need to be able to change myself, if I can't change myself how can I expect to change others. My first step, can be split into two parts my mindset, which can be changed by reading Thich Nhat Hanh and actually practicing his techniques, and the second comes from understanding social skills. Daniel Wendler has a book leveling up your social skills which will be a good place to start. I think there is also a book Influence by Robert Cialdini but that is advanced I need to create a strong foundation. Walk before I can run.

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