Help!! SO much PIP stress!


Im new here and not very good with this sort of thing, so bare with me please.

I applied for a PIP in early August. I was awaiting and preparing myself for the dreaded assessment. 9 weeks later out of the blue I had a call (from a number I didn’t recognise) my husband answered the call. It was a HP assessor. She stated that I was not deemed a good candidate for a full assessment as it would cause my a great deal of stress and anxiety. My husband took the call as I can’t talk on the phone unprepared. It was a very quick call. The assessor said that she had the majority of what she needed and just needed to clarify a few things. I wasn’t part of the conversation at all really, which I find bizarre, as it’s about me! Although my husband has to live with me, he doesn’t know what it’s like to be and feel the way I do. The report was done and sent back to DWP about 1hr later, I know what a decision. I have slept in two days and I’m incredibly anxious. I’ve read so many stories of assessors making up things or omitting to put in relevant information. How can they make a decision without talking to me or at the very least , a bit more in depth conversation with my husband?

Im really confused as to what’s happened. Has this happened to anyone else? 

sorry to waffle or if my post makes no sense. I’m a bit of a mess at the minute 

  • its a good sign... if they say your not able to have a assessment and wont talk to you as it causes too much stress and they have the info they need... to me that tells me they are going to give you pip.

    they basically sound like they have already gave you a positive on this. its good news id say.

  • Thank you for replying! 
    I hope it’s a good signFingers crossedFingers crossed. There are just SO many horror stories about applying for PIP.

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