Does driving overstimulate you?

Hi all, 

Just wondering about peoples thoughts on this! 

I've been finding that driving can often be a bit overstimulating for me. I overall enjoy it, the freedom it gives me is second to none, plus its a good place to scream at my loudest when I need to because no one can hear on the motorway. But i've found that just sheer volume of visual information is sometimes a bit much. Especially when it comes to the constant things ongoing in the mirrors that I can sometimes get distracted by when i need to focus on what's in front of me. This is especially during the dark, headlights in mirrors etc are so distracting and uncomfortable for me. 

Obviously driving for long times is tiring for anyone, but even my normal commute home (35-45mins) at the end of the day really just takes out what little energy I have left after work. Any one else feel like this? 



  • no.... but my response might be worse because instead of being overstimulated i instead find i probably zone out or lose concentration instead lol

    think on other things, mind gets distracted, voila im somehow at my destination having blotted from my memory parts of the journey 

  • During my lessons I lose focus as well like I'm like

    Oh wow look at those cows in that field lol xD 

    It's hard staying focused on just one thing

  • my main focus now in this weather is how my waterproofs are not waterproof lol
    i ride motorbike to work every day, its cheaper to insure and keep than a car. but the waterproofs are never waterproof, it goes right through and you get freezing and soaked and then have to stand in wet freezing clothes in a outside cold open door warehouse all day through the night.

    my attention riding in that situation is how the water always seems to pool on the seat somehow then leak through the seat of my water proof pants and then make me feel like im sitting directly in a puddle or have pissed my pants with ice cold water instead

  • Getting soaked like that sounds very unpleasant

    Funny though because I was interested in getting a motorbike

    Well a scooter actually like one of those 50cc ones but my mum and dad say I have to learn to drive so that's the route I'm heading

    Overall I prefer walking but it's just not convenient as I can't walk everywhere I need to go

  • Getting soaked like that sounds very unpleasant

    Funny though because I was interested in getting a motorbike

    Well a scooter actually like one of those 50cc ones but my mum and dad say I have to learn to drive so that's the route I'm heading

    Overall I prefer walking but it's just not convenient as I can't walk everywhere I need to go

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