Does driving overstimulate you?

Hi all, 

Just wondering about peoples thoughts on this! 

I've been finding that driving can often be a bit overstimulating for me. I overall enjoy it, the freedom it gives me is second to none, plus its a good place to scream at my loudest when I need to because no one can hear on the motorway. But i've found that just sheer volume of visual information is sometimes a bit much. Especially when it comes to the constant things ongoing in the mirrors that I can sometimes get distracted by when i need to focus on what's in front of me. This is especially during the dark, headlights in mirrors etc are so distracting and uncomfortable for me. 

Obviously driving for long times is tiring for anyone, but even my normal commute home (35-45mins) at the end of the day really just takes out what little energy I have left after work. Any one else feel like this? 



  • I enjoy driving and drive a classic land Rover with an overdrive so you need two pairs of arms at times. I too, find modern car headlights too bright and loath people not applying the handbrake and relying on the brakes and blinding me with the brake lights. I also find roundabouts confusing with knowing which lane to be in. if only people were more considerate. I do have a slow vehicle warning sign and this does help.

    I am looking forward to a trip to North Wales soon but will plan the route and take breaks.    

  • I find the worst thing with roundabouts is the reliance on the road itself as signage. It takes time to scan all the lanes to compare what's painted on them either in terms of arrows or very abbreviated road names. Once you have any amount of traffic on them then such markings are obscured and obviously the paint wears out after a time too. Obviously you get the obligatory sign showing all eight thousand exits about 10 meters before you enter the thing :) If you have problems with executive function / short term memory then that's fun.

  • I find the worst thing with roundabouts is the reliance on the road itself as signage. It takes time to scan all the lanes to compare what's painted on them either in terms of arrows or very abbreviated road names. Once you have any amount of traffic on them then such markings are obscured and obviously the paint wears out after a time too. Obviously you get the obligatory sign showing all eight thousand exits about 10 meters before you enter the thing :) If you have problems with executive function / short term memory then that's fun.

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