Does driving overstimulate you?

Hi all, 

Just wondering about peoples thoughts on this! 

I've been finding that driving can often be a bit overstimulating for me. I overall enjoy it, the freedom it gives me is second to none, plus its a good place to scream at my loudest when I need to because no one can hear on the motorway. But i've found that just sheer volume of visual information is sometimes a bit much. Especially when it comes to the constant things ongoing in the mirrors that I can sometimes get distracted by when i need to focus on what's in front of me. This is especially during the dark, headlights in mirrors etc are so distracting and uncomfortable for me. 

Obviously driving for long times is tiring for anyone, but even my normal commute home (35-45mins) at the end of the day really just takes out what little energy I have left after work. Any one else feel like this? 



  • I'm learning to drive at the moment

    I've found it can be a bit much at times. Lessons are 2hrs and by the end I'm feeling overwhelmed and very tired and stressed

    I think if I'm anxious to begin with that makes it worse anyway. When I pass I'll not drive far I just want to be able to go places under my own steam.

    One thing I really hate is how bright car lights are! They are blinding

  • I'm learning to drive at the moment

    I've found it can be a bit much at times. Lessons are 2hrs and by the end I'm feeling overwhelmed and very tired and stressed

    I think if I'm anxious to begin with that makes it worse anyway. When I pass I'll not drive far I just want to be able to go places under my own steam.

    One thing I really hate is how bright car lights are! They are blinding

  • "One thing I really hate is how bright car lights are! They are blinding"

    Absolutely. It didn't used to be like this when they were incandescent bulbs but these bright white LED things on all the cars now (plus the ultra bright brake lights that people seem happy to have shining in your face because they can't be bothered to take their foot off the brake and apply the handbrake at traffic lights) makes night driving painful. Given that bright lights like that make me pretty angry at the best of times, this doesn't make for a relaxing time when driving at night.

    I have done some driving in my blue light filtering "computer monitor" glasses and it took the edge off it whilst making lights look more orange again. Not sure how sensible that is but I've found it makes things like supermarkets a bit less OTT too :)

  • I always drive in dips, overnight.