How to enjoy my special interest in politics while sustaining focus and not causing myself stress?

I have autism, and am waiting on the NHS for an ADHD Assessment. One of my biggest interests is UK Politics, particularly around devolution, federalism, electoral reform and the constitution. I would love to develop and publish my own ideas for what the House of Commons may look like with a PR Voting federal/confederal UK might look like, and create my own constituencies for all countries/regions. 
However, not only is the work intense anyway, I have so many different ideas, I have ended up creating loads of documents and jumping from one to another without ever finishing anything. I think this is partly because there is a lack of clear regional identity in England, so creating something that everyone would be happy with is quite tough. However, I think it’s partly also to do with my autistic/ADHD brain. It’s making the process more stressful than fun.
I wondered if anyone had any tips? Should I create the model I probably believe in most, or just do the simplest/most realistic thing first, or is there anything else I could do focus better and enjoy it all a bit more again?
  • Hello 62142, I am Number.

    You raise a very prescient point for this time.  I am fascinated and engaged with the complexities and impact of geo-politics.  Naturally, with the news now filled-to-overflowing with such matters....I need to be VERY careful to protect my mental health and to retain a focus on my own immediate world realities and challenges.

    I don't have any answers for you here.....but I thought you might like to know that you are definitely not alone in your challenges....and yes - I do think it has A LOT to do with having an autistic brain with ADHD difficulties.

    Stay sane my neurokin.
