Words/language as an autistic person

This thread is the result of a discussion with Out of Step but also something I've been thinking about this past year, since diagnosis.

Years ago, when my friend was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome, as was, I skim read some of his book: The Complete Guide to Asperger's Syndrome by Tony Attwood.

One section resonated.

I can't check out the wording now as I don't own it but it was about how autistic people may not speak as non autistic people do and may not use the language commonly used by their peers.

They may, for example, use what used to be called 'BBC English' as my mother did and I do, despite being working class and having gone to working class schools.

We didn't pick up a local accent.

However, some people may pick up the accent but be fascinated by words and use uncommon words.

Also, when I was at school I used words no-one knew the meaning of.

I did actually use a dictionary a lot when I was reading and learnt these more unusual words (and mispronounced them, as I still do) so that's probably part of the reason why.

My mother also used words I'd never heard anyone else use and said that when she was young she would read the dictionary.

She also constantly used the old sayings and phrases (eg a stitch in time saves nine) and I find my speech peppered with these phrases and anachronistic words.

I think that this difference also extends to speech patterns.

Anyone else experience similar and have any knowledge about this to add?


  • This could be somewhat straying off topic but within me is a need to communicate effectively/correctly. I think I'm very good at pitching how I talk depending on who I am with in order to relate to different people. Underneath I think this can sometimes lead to a slight air of uncanniness but more usually an air of relatability .... which is a contradiction but my life experience is contradictory. 

    I can be good at explaining things to others but then other situations I just cannot find the words. I've notice this happens if a topic I like comes up. There is too much information stored to be able to retrieve and speak about what I want to and using the right words. So I can end up being too brief and then the interaction isn't satisfactory from my side but no one would know this. I've been told I have pedantic speech by people who know what they are looking for, I've been told I'm articulate by others. I've had people mock my accent, I've had others who find it charming. It's a huge part of my identity more than it seems to be for my peers.

    In terms of language, I used to love poems as a child. I like the feel of words in my mouth or what they conjure up in my head. I LOVE accents - hearing them, mimicking them....repeating words or phrases, making words up, the rhythm of words and phrases. 

  • This could be somewhat straying off topic but within me is a need to communicate effectively/correctly. I think I'm very good at pitching how I talk depending on who I am with in order to relate to different people. Underneath I think this can sometimes lead to a slight air of uncanniness but more usually an air of relatability .... which is a contradiction but my life experience is contradictory. 

    I can be good at explaining things to others but then other situations I just cannot find the words. I've notice this happens if a topic I like comes up. There is too much information stored to be able to retrieve and speak about what I want to and using the right words. So I can end up being too brief and then the interaction isn't satisfactory from my side but no one would know this. I've been told I have pedantic speech by people who know what they are looking for, I've been told I'm articulate by others. I've had people mock my accent, I've had others who find it charming. It's a huge part of my identity more than it seems to be for my peers.

    In terms of language, I used to love poems as a child. I like the feel of words in my mouth or what they conjure up in my head. I LOVE accents - hearing them, mimicking them....repeating words or phrases, making words up, the rhythm of words and phrases. 

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