covid booster?

Does anyone know what's happening with it?

I've tried to get to the bottom of it, looking all over including gov, but no definitive answers.

It seems like gov is hoping to kill some of us off again (like during the full pandemic), as it appears that the booster is only for over 65s, immunosuppressed, and frontline staff?

Any other health problems, like asthma etc, we appear not to be getting it?

I hear that US is offering it to all citizens, yet UK is hardly giving it to anyone and you can't get it privately either??? WTF? I'm sure they want to cull the herd again....??

  • I chose to have neither Vaccine nor the virus.

    I pulled it off by being both lucky, and unusually well informed as to how these things work, and what is the correct equipment to won and when to use it. Which is all luck, of course.

    I'm not in this thread to try and make any point EXCEPT THIS:

    The steps I took personally to try and avoid both virus and "vaccination" have definitely made me MUCH healthier than I was in the little  things. 

    It seems, I have had a long time vitamin D deficiency, which now it's been corrected has made a very visible favourable change change to my circumstances.  

    I only discovered this by doing my own research and thinking, and I'm very happy with the overall results. The process of research and thinking though is hard, and made far more complicated than it needs to be by all the liars and fantasists and mis-thinkers who populate the internet on ALL sides of any argument. 

    I've recommended Vitamin D to so many people now, even given the stuff to people who obviously it could help.

    Only ONE has ever come back to me and confirmed what I already know.

    Information is a very funny thing, where it comes from for many people, is held to be far more important than the actual data itself.

  • Lucky you, I've had several vaccines and COVID itself for a week.

  • Without wishing to cause offence to anyone, there is still quite a lot of misinformation out there and washing about in this thread.

    The unvarnished truth of the matter, Robert124, is you and nearly everyone else here has received novel gene therapy, that was "rebranded" by changing the official definition of how a vaccine works in 2020, and only allowable under emergency use Authorisation. (Which should have been rescinded as soon as the two currently known effective treatments emerged).

    I have somewhere on my computer a video showing how the treatments were initially sold to us all as 100 percent effective against transmission of, or infection by, the covid-19 virus and gradually as the truth of the matter became obvious the claims off efficiency were slowly reduced, as were the claims of "harmlessness". 

    How everyone can ignore these facts, (I've gone nowhere near "theory", everything I've just told you is incontrovertible fact).

    FORTUNATELY the conspiracy theory that really DID worry me, seems to be failing to come to fruition, and my friends and relatives who have had the jab haven't all "died suddenly", and although it is more dangerous than not taking it, and of now proven inefficacy in terms of halting the spread of the virus (as were all the measures our leaders recommended) the figures I have available suggest the Jab is not working very well as a depopulation measure.

    For those of you who have already experienced adverse reactions and are wondering whether you really need that next shot I'd offer these facts for your consideration.

    1: Covid -19 version 1 was FAR more deadly than the strains now freely circulating, and the chances of those who are unvaccinated getting seriously ill are vastly reduced, even before one takes sensible precautions to minimise exposure and maximise immunity. 

    2: The "vaccine" clearly does NOT stop the vaxxed from contracting covid! So what benefit are you exactly hoping to gain?

    3. The simple changes in lifestyle and hygiene and use of the correct medications and supplements in addition to aid me in the avoidance of covid, unlike the vaccination only approach most of us took, also work on other infections and ailments conferring a wider spectrum and longer lasting benefits whilst being less objectionable than some poorly trained oaf (Aspirate first, before pushing the intra muscular meds, please..) sticking a pin in your arm.

    I'm not advising anyone, (and since I want to be allowed to "go my own way" as far as possible sure not telling anyone what they should do). Just providing the relevant INFORMATION that some people would seem to have gone to great lengths to keep from you all.


  • "Plus you may have caught strains of attenuated morbidity through being passed on by a series of vaccinated hosts"

    Possibly. The virus will experience selection pressure in any host with prior immunity. There were a fair number of people who had caught the virus by the time the vaccines were in general deployment (under 40s) in, what, April 2021?

    "In this you will have been aided by all the people who had the vaccines". Potentially.

  • Thank you. I'll digest this over the next few evenings.

  • I'm aware of this trial.

    This is where they calculated a 94% efficacy from the split of infected with any symptom (to what severity?) between 196 people out of 29200 people who had either placebo or injection.

    The 94% (relative risk reduction, not "efficacy") comes from dividing 185 (infected placebo group) by the 196 (total "infected").

    It was an absurdity at the time. It's even more absurd now.

  • It's being post-rationalised, in my case, by the fact that I have contracted sars-cov-2 twice in my unvaccinated state. Having accessed the situation with my peers and partner, all of whom had accepted at least the first two injections, I remain unconvinced I am at any more risk remaining unvaccinated. I continue to keep my eye on other discoveries such as the IgG4 thing etc as it still interests me to see how this is going to pan out over the long term.

    Well, I guess you are not over 65 years of age and have no other risk factors predisposing to serious symptoms. Plus you may have caught strains of attenuated morbidity through being passed on by a series of vaccinated hosts.

    In the long term Covid will become less dangerous, but more transmissible, like most viruses that jump host species. In this you will have been aided by all the people who had the vaccines, whose collective immune responses will have speeded up this selective pressure, Well done!

  • "If they had not, we would have all have been in a very sorry state"

    In your opinion. I have yet to see any evidence to suggest the efficacy of these treatments.

    There you go, mucho reports on the efficacy of various Covid vaccines/boosters:

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