
The kids playing out around here can't do so without making the most hideous din, it's one long continuous stream of shouting, screeching (literally) and grunting like gorillas. I'm not talking toddlers either, anything up to like fourteen or more??

Yesterday I hear another noise added to it, turns out one of these kids has acquired a WHISTLE! (god help us) It was constant for hours last night and again this morning. My head is mashed. It's been like getting tasered in the head. Defo need to get my headphones on.

When I was a kid, that kind of racket was totally off-limits, you'd have got a hiding. I was pretty much silent anyway, I don't understand why kids now seem to have no restraint whatsoever...

  • This was the bane of my life but, somewhat bizarrely, a meltdown seems to have fixed it for me.

    My neighbour’s son would kick his football off the fence between our gardens or against the side of the house for hours on end. It had me near tears so many times. I even rearranged my house to try to be away from it and took to wearing my headphones a lot more.

    But one dinner time the ball was going bang bang bang again and I was getting very wound up then the ball came over the fence and hit my window. I went straight out, threw the ball back over and calmly said that I was sick of then noise and this would be the last time he’d be getting his ball back.

    Two minutes later an angry father arrived at my door, ready to give me his opinion of me. He didn’t get a chance. I’m a small quietly spoken person. He is a tall noisy person. But a torrent of pure rage came out of me and he basically fled. I don’t even remember anything after it. My brother witnessed it all and said he walked me back to the sofa and I just sat there completely blank for a while afterwards.

    But the ball kicking has stopped.

  • wow. that's a great story. I have had similar experiences. I didn't remember much other than shaking and rocking after such events. I learned to reserve the violence to inanimate objects after receiving punishment for directing it toward an adult when I was a child. I was very frustrated as a child and would look for things that I could secretly smash and kept a catalogue of them for when I might need them. I catch myself doing that now sometimes and feeling puzzled by why I do it. I had forgotten. Thank you for reminding me of this part of my covered-over past. I have much more control over sensory input now. Some noises, If i cant escape them, feel like being physically assaulted.

  • wow. that's a great story. I have had similar experiences. I didn't remember much other than shaking and rocking after such events. I learned to reserve the violence to inanimate objects after receiving punishment for directing it toward an adult when I was a child. I was very frustrated as a child and would look for things that I could secretly smash and kept a catalogue of them for when I might need them. I catch myself doing that now sometimes and feeling puzzled by why I do it. I had forgotten. Thank you for reminding me of this part of my covered-over past. I have much more control over sensory input now. Some noises, If i cant escape them, feel like being physically assaulted.

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