Employee Opinion Surveys

Whilst I should appreciate that my employer welcomes anonymous employee feedback through the annual Employee Opinion Survey, I do find some questions a bit triggering.

A couple of questions this time round...

"I think that Diversity, Equality & Inclusion are important issues in the workplace"
I don't believe that there are any issues with this at my workplace - if there were, then yes there would be a problem.
However, I find answering this question [honestly] is difficult.
I don't care that you're black, white, gold, green, yellow, etc.
I don't care that you're male, female, non-binary or whatever.
I don't care that you're straight, gay or whatever flavour of sexual preference.
What I DO CARE ABOUT is whether you are capable of doing your job.

"I have good friends where I work"
I don't have any issues with the people that I work with - we make a great team and get along fine.
However, I wouldn't consider any of them as "friends" - I have very few friends in my social circle (by choice).
Given that we all work remotely (some in a different country) it is extremely rare that we meet in person.

I know that it shouldn't bother me - especially as it is anonymous, but I this has knocked me out of kilter for 30 mins+
Why can't I simply select the relevant answer (disagree / agree / strongly agree / NA) without it sending my mind into overdrive?

Does anyone else struggle with such things as Employee Opinion Surveys?

Parents Reply Children

    Had the question been "I feel that company name has a Diverse, Equality and Inclusive culture", then I would have definitely agreed.

    I think in this case the question is indeed badly worded.
    Having the word "issues" in the question is the problem here as it has negative connotations.