No. 13

This number 13 malarkey has always intrigued me.

I've researched in the past, but drawn to no solid opinion or conclusion of its

a)   origins (yea, I know, what else would come after 12 and before 14)

b)   why it has such significance in my culture and within other cultures that I know something about.

Why do you think No. 13 is a known “issue” ?

Thank you for taking the time.


  • Yes indeed.  The whole Judas thing......but surely that can't explain the continued impact of the No. 13 in today's behaviours (and the beliefs of many wholly non-religious folk)?

    Almost all other matters described or intimated in the Bible as either sacrosanct or sacrilegious have been dumped by the majority of societies that developed within Christian parameters?

    If it is solely down to religious significance, then it is one of the most pervasive and sustained observances that is still going strong? Why so?

  • If it is solely down to religious significance, then it is one of the most pervasive and sustained observances that is still going strong? Why so?

    Well... maybe it kind of is, and kind of isn't... 

    I suspect, rather than it being an ancient and unbroken association, the connotations of 13 are a modern reinvention - relatively, at least...

    Let's find out!

  • If it is solely down to religious significance, then it is one of the most pervasive and sustained observances that is still going strong? Why so?

    Well... maybe it kind of is, and kind of isn't... 

    I suspect, rather than it being an ancient and unbroken association, the connotations of 13 are a modern reinvention - relatively, at least...

    Let's find out!

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