Accessing Health Care

So, if you aren't all bored with me banging on about this topic yet, here's another call for opinion.

In my quest to secure some proper support to get through my own GPs doors nevermind survive hospital treatment, it seems I have secured a meeting with the Comissioners for Coventry and Warwickshirs Partnership Trust to talk about improving the offer for autistic people. (Currently this sucks, simply because no one can wrap their heads around the issues). I'm not imagininging this is a local problem at all. The problems are likely the same nationwide.

In this meeting, I'll be banging on about my own barriers, of course, but this isn't just my issue, is it? I am no more than just one example, or case study, here.

So, what do you want your local trust to offer you to better access your health care? I'll take all your ideas forward with me to that meeting.

  • to be honest.... i think the online "ask my gp" feature that gps have now have done wonders in allowing me to access healthcare... before when you had to go in, wait in que, speak to a person at the reception and explain any embarrassing possible issue you have to some random stranger to their face, then sit in a waiting room for 3 hours amoung germy coughing people... i couldnt do that so i never had access to healthcare because of that... but since they made the online asky my gp feature i find it super easy to access healthcare now. no more talking face to face with a stranger about stuff you may not even want to talk to anyone about, its hard enough talking to anyone so the whole talking thing was a roadblock... as i said the ask my gp online feature is the game changer and allows full access to healthcare... well id say that, but gps themselves still shrug you off and mark you as solved when they havent done anything lol

  • to be honest.... i think the online "ask my gp" feature that gps have now have done wonders in allowing me to access healthcare... before when you had to go in, wait in que, speak to a person at the reception and explain any embarrassing possible issue you have to some random stranger to their face, then sit in a waiting room for 3 hours amoung germy coughing people... i couldnt do that so i never had access to healthcare because of that... but since they made the online asky my gp feature i find it super easy to access healthcare now. no more talking face to face with a stranger about stuff you may not even want to talk to anyone about, its hard enough talking to anyone so the whole talking thing was a roadblock... as i said the ask my gp online feature is the game changer and allows full access to healthcare... well id say that, but gps themselves still shrug you off and mark you as solved when they havent done anything lol

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