Hospital Packing

Hi everyone,

I'm more just looking for some advice!

I have a pre planned admission into hospital for health reasons and also to get a PEG tube fitted with the admission lasting around 3-4 weeks at most.

I know it may be silly of me to ask but does anyone have any things that they recomened I take with me (I would take my weighted blanket but I'm unsure if this is even allowed in general hospitals). This is my first admission post asd diagnosis but overall I'm just really anxious and stressed at the thought of it that my intial instinct is to pack and bring everything as a 'just in case' situation but that's probably not feasible.

Thank you in advance 

  • Hi Hanni

    I read the title as Hospital PARKING and expected to read a rant about how much they charge for parking!

    How wrong was I !!!!!

    Sorry, no advice, but at I least I hope a brought a small smile to someone's face Joy 

  • Take meds and the toilettries you would need for a holiday.

    Some night/under wear.

    Theoretically, the nurses are supposed to take the meds off you and supply you with them either from a locked cabinet or the pharmacy. 

    However, this didn't happen until almost the last day when I was in hospital this year, so I took my own each day to ensure I was medicated properly.

    If you have someone to come in and visit, then it's far less of a concern, as they can hopefully bring you in anything you forget and then need.

    However, if not, here are a few things:

    Wet wipes for washing, tissues, spray deodorant/body spray, dry shampoo (unless someone who visits can wash your hair for you or you can do so yourself), a book or kindle + charger, phone/device + charger, mirror.

    They come around with water in the hospital but when you 1st go in this can take a few hours so I got some drinks and snack bars.

    I don't like hospital food so snacks were essential for me.

    Each time I've been in hospital (not often) I've been moved several times.

    Therefore a big bag so everything is in one place for if you are moved by porters is a good idea.

    All the very best.

  • I personally would take anything that bought me comfort, safety and calmness - mine would be very different to yours im sure. But have a think about it and make sure you take it. Hospital can be a difficult time as you’re not in your own surroundings and coping being with other people around you. So anything that would help - whether it’s fidget toys, a soft toy, a certain cup, particular smells, photos, colouring books etc. make sure you take it with you. 
    Have a think about what stresses you out, like if it’s noise related take some ear plugs and headphones. If you need certain conditions to sleep think about an eye mask for example. I don’t see why they wouldn’t allow your weighted blanket - why don’t you ask? 
    I wouldn’t worry about taking too much stuff, I think they’d prefer you to be as comfortable as possible during your stay (I may have that totally wrong!) 

    hope it goes well :)