
I’m quite poorly at the moment with numerous infections and shingles. I’ve had the fan on 24/7 for two weeks now and this combined with probably meds or my illnesses, have made my lips so sore. They’re cracked, bleeding, swollen and now going numb. 
I cannot bear the feel of Vaseline or lip balm due to sensory issues. Anyone else ever had this problem and anything they can suggest that may work for someone who cannot stand the feel of creams or oily things? Maybe an impossible question but just figure I’d ask! 

Thanks :) 

  • I suffer with cracked lips most winters.. It hasn't happened in the last year or two. Even still. I know a lot about fans blowing on me to keep me cool. I can not have the fan blowing on my face for so long. I have my fan running 24/7.. Got 2 fans one up and one down.. When I am in bed, I have to turn away from the fan which is difficult to do.. I have had fans blowing on me through out the night for the last 20 years. Considering I am only 35.. But what I find helps is lying on my back with my head facing away from the fan. I am still benefitting from the cool breeze but it is not directly blowing onto my lips.. where years ago I used to have the fan less than a foot away from my face. I have noticed recently that my issues with cracked or chapped lips have eased quite considerably.

    Also if light bothers you going to sleep. I wear an eye mask and I found a really comforting one which is memory foam and it is total black out.. cant even see down either side of my nose. Which I could with cheaper alternatives. But going back to your question when you fall asleep head away from the fan. and if it is through the day time let the fan hit your hair, side of your face. Take off jumpers which are covering your arms or roll up your sleeves. I use a dressing gown personally and it is off and on 20-30 times a day haha.

    Hope this helps

  • Oh that’s a really good idea about the fan. I feel like I cannot think logically at the moment! Will make sure I’m turned away from the fan and hopefully that will make a difference. I have also moved it back a bit as it was like a meter away from me! 
    Thank you! 

  • Not a problem. Anything to help :-)

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