Autism? Anxiety? Or both?

Hey hey, 

does anyone else find that they cannot relax/got to bed without checking everything a certain number of times? If im the last to leave I have to check I’ve locked the door by pressing the handle 3 times. And I have to check the 3, 3 times (so essentially 9times and 1 for luck because I hate odd numbers they don’t feel right) but I also have the take a photo. It’s like my brain won’t tell me the door is locked until I’ve done it so many times. I’m staying elsewhere dog sitting for family and It takes me half an hour to go to bed because I have to do all of my things before I can go. I make sure someone else checks when I’m at home but I can’t go to bed until I see them check! I feel so annoying but then I wish I could just check once and be comfortable I’ve done it. I don’t get people who can! 

  • andi  you are not alone,

    I am diagnosed with both ASD (High Functioning) and OCD.

    I check many times that doors are locked, windows closed and everything electrical is turned off before leaving the house or going to bed,  I also check all the water taps are turned tightly off.


    • I have to get ready 15-30 minutes before hand to make sure all the checks are done but stupid brain still tells me things aren’t locked 
  • It's reassuring to see that others have similar anxieties.

    Before I leave the the house I also have to check several times that I have my...... wallet, keys, phone ...wallet, keys, phone ...and anything else essential for that day, all at least twice, sometimes many more times; I miss quite a few buses and trains because of this.


  • It's reassuring to see that others have similar anxieties.

    Before I leave the the house I also have to check several times that I have my...... wallet, keys, phone ...wallet, keys, phone ...and anything else essential for that day, all at least twice, sometimes many more times; I miss quite a few buses and trains because of this.


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