Autism? Anxiety? Or both?

Hey hey, 

does anyone else find that they cannot relax/got to bed without checking everything a certain number of times? If im the last to leave I have to check I’ve locked the door by pressing the handle 3 times. And I have to check the 3, 3 times (so essentially 9times and 1 for luck because I hate odd numbers they don’t feel right) but I also have the take a photo. It’s like my brain won’t tell me the door is locked until I’ve done it so many times. I’m staying elsewhere dog sitting for family and It takes me half an hour to go to bed because I have to do all of my things before I can go. I make sure someone else checks when I’m at home but I can’t go to bed until I see them check! I feel so annoying but then I wish I could just check once and be comfortable I’ve done it. I don’t get people who can! 

  • The that sounds more like OCD to me. I’d maybe ask your doctor about it. 

  • I think they’d just shrug it off as my anxiety. It’s just doors and hobs that get me rattled. I personally feel OCD is an extreme in my case. Like people who have OCD to such an extent they simply struggle in day to day life it must be so hard for them but I feel like that wouldn’t fit me because it doesn’t feel extreme I was just wondering if anyone else was doing this as well and that I wish I could just check once and be happy about it lol Joy 

  • I imagine there is varying levels of ocd. The dr really shouldn’t shrug it off if you tell them it’s something that is bothering you, and maybe it doesn’t bother you right now, but it’s work noticing if it progresses any further and if it does become more of an issue for you.

    And to answer your question no I personally haven’t done this. I will sometimes get out of bed if I think I’ve forgotten to lock the door or left the hot water on,  but that’s usually because I have. So I’d just get up and deal with it once and go back to bed. 

  • You are exactly right about varying levels of OCD. I experience OCD and in order to actually get a formal diagnosis your compulsions need to consume at least one hour of your day. 

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