Autism? Anxiety? Or both?

Hey hey, 

does anyone else find that they cannot relax/got to bed without checking everything a certain number of times? If im the last to leave I have to check I’ve locked the door by pressing the handle 3 times. And I have to check the 3, 3 times (so essentially 9times and 1 for luck because I hate odd numbers they don’t feel right) but I also have the take a photo. It’s like my brain won’t tell me the door is locked until I’ve done it so many times. I’m staying elsewhere dog sitting for family and It takes me half an hour to go to bed because I have to do all of my things before I can go. I make sure someone else checks when I’m at home but I can’t go to bed until I see them check! I feel so annoying but then I wish I could just check once and be comfortable I’ve done it. I don’t get people who can! 

  • In my case it’s shopping not door handles. If I’m going round a supermarket I often feel that I have to buy a multiple of 3 items I.e. 0,3,6 etc items and I will buy something just to get the required number of items.

    I used to go to a school of philosophy and there was / is a religion / philosophy (Zoroastrianism?) which believed the number 3 had special properties. I used to have a booklet about it which I don’t think I ever read (or if I did read it I don’t remember) but I seem to have thrown it out or misplaced it at some point unfortunately.

  • That’s the only thing I’ll do 3 with. Odd numbers just don’t feel right if I’m eating something there has to be 2 or 4 never 1 or 3 it just feels wrong. 

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