Can I get more support from Job Centre as an unemployed autistic adult?

Hi everyone,
I'm currently unemployed and have been since January 2022, I'm really struggling to find work as I've only had two jobs before and I don't stand out at all to employers.  I'm trying my absolute hardest and that simply isn't enough for receuiters out there. 

The reason I'm writing this, though, is about the Job Centre. Is there any additional support I can get from them - other than just being stuck on the Work and Heath programme? I have expressed my need for more help and got sent there, and they just treat me awfully the same as my work coach does and sends me home. I've since asked to be taken off the Work and Heath programme, and I was told I'm not allowed as I have to be signed up to some sort of additional programme since I've been unemployed for a certain amount of time. 

I feel stuck in a never ending cycle of being told 'yep just keep doing what you're doing' or 'your efforts aren't good enough and we need to see more from you' but no actual help no matter how many times I ask. I was considering going to Citizen's Advice to ask for some guidance, but thought I would reach out here in case any one can relate. 

  • the answer is nope.
    you get the same amount of unemployment benefit as a regular person.

    you can increase the amount you get in many ways, such as you get extra if you can prove you have some rent or service charge that they have to cover i think. i think after a while they also now cover mortgage repayments too. also if you have kids you get extra money for having kids.

    as for supoort the jobcenter will readily send you on silly courses to private programmes that both sides make money off, but yet doesnt support you... often these courses just make you change your cv, and each one you get sent on criticises the last one and says their cv they did you was bad... but yet all of their cvs are equally bad lol

  • Oh the amount of silly courses I've been stuck on. Once they put me on a course and I told them I'm not super comfortable with courses it's just the environment and it feels too much like school it makes me too anxious... so they signed me up for an anxiety course. I told them the same thing and they said 'well if you aren't able to do a simple course you clearly aren't able to hold down a job' I was actually speechless

  • And they all start with “ice-breaking” or “team-building” exercises

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