Can I get more support from Job Centre as an unemployed autistic adult?

Hi everyone,
I'm currently unemployed and have been since January 2022, I'm really struggling to find work as I've only had two jobs before and I don't stand out at all to employers.  I'm trying my absolute hardest and that simply isn't enough for receuiters out there. 

The reason I'm writing this, though, is about the Job Centre. Is there any additional support I can get from them - other than just being stuck on the Work and Heath programme? I have expressed my need for more help and got sent there, and they just treat me awfully the same as my work coach does and sends me home. I've since asked to be taken off the Work and Heath programme, and I was told I'm not allowed as I have to be signed up to some sort of additional programme since I've been unemployed for a certain amount of time. 

I feel stuck in a never ending cycle of being told 'yep just keep doing what you're doing' or 'your efforts aren't good enough and we need to see more from you' but no actual help no matter how many times I ask. I was considering going to Citizen's Advice to ask for some guidance, but thought I would reach out here in case any one can relate. 

  • I'm really struggling to find work as I've only had two jobs before and I don't stand out at all to employers

    Forget the Job Center - they are as much use as chocolate teapots from my (secondhand) experience of them helping anything but neurotypicals.

    We may be able to give some advice however as we have an in depth understanding of autism and surviving in the world with it.

    Lets start from basics - what do you struggle most with when working?

    Then tell us what you struggle with in interviews.

    Lastly, what areas do you want to work in? Be realistic.

    Do you have any length of experience either in working or volunteering?

    With some sort of profile of your challenges, direction and experience we can start to give advice to suit your needs.

  • The days when the Job Centre were a job centre have long since gone. These days they would be better renamed as the how dare you not have a job centre or the jumping through hoops Centre I suspect it also only exists because of the number of people it employs, a lot of whom would struggle to find jobs elsewhere.

  • The days when the Job Centre were a job centre have long since gone. These days they would be better renamed as the how dare you not have a job centre or the jumping through hoops Centre I suspect it also only exists because of the number of people it employs, a lot of whom would struggle to find jobs elsewhere.

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