Finally booked appointment to see GP about getting assessed for autism. Any tips or advice?


I finally plucked up the courage to ask my doctors surgery for an appointment to refer me for an assessment. They put it down as routine appointment. It is in a month's time. 

The thing is I don't know what to say to my GP or questions they will ask me. I welcome any advice at this stage. 


  • Do an AQ50 (many online) and write a list of reasons you think you might be/ stuff you struggle with.

    That appointment might not be necessary if your GP will take it by letter. I wrote to mine. He text to say he'd referred.

  • Do an AQ50 (many online) and write a list of reasons you think you might be/ stuff you struggle with.

    That appointment might not be necessary if your GP will take it by letter. I wrote to mine. He text to say he'd referred.

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