Academic Area of Specialization

What is your specialist subject, the thing that makes you feel happiest and eager learning about? That makes life feel better?

I think mine mine is Ancient Civilizations. I’m listening to lots of different Books on Audible. Lots of Great Courses, which are amazing, as they are university level lectures presented by doctors who are absolutely passionate about their subjects. I’m listening to one about Mesoamerica another about Native Americans and an audio book about Ancient African Kingdoms. No one I know cares about any of these though. Nobody ever talks to me about their academic passions. I have no clue if I’m on any spectrum but all the people I have known in the past who said they had Asperger’s were much more cerebral than the average person. 

  • Open mouth That's amazing - sincerely...

  • What currently or ever..?

  • I love cats as well absolutely adorable!

    I love so many things about geese ^^ I love how they look amazing and so graceful like swans. I love the sound they make and how cute they are especially goslings :–) 

    I do feel bad for eating sometimes but I'll stop if it feels too bad.

  • I love the census. I could read them for days,

    I literally have! Joy 

    , although I find the hand writing hard to read sometimes

    Well, it gets worse after the 1911 census because the census was filled in by each household everyone has different handwriting, right? An official did it before then, so it's more consistent.

    . I love the programme ‘A house through time

    I haven't seen it, but yeah - it's a fun thing to do! 

    These days I mostly look at older stuff - 15th-18th centuries... if I'm very lucky I might get something medieval. 

  • Yeah I broke down in a most-dispassionate way, why it was unethical for him to have taken the role, then I broke down how their are no accountability-safeguards to spare the policing-system from his agenda and ineptitude..

    After 5 minutes of cutting-fact half of the room was glad someone said it, and the other half was staring at me like,  I’d just said the worlds most-prolonged four-letter word..Sweat smile

  • I’ve never played D&D but love Psychology, so that sounds interesting. The brain is the greatest machine I’ve ever witnessed. 

  • Who are the main theorists of autism?

  • I love the census. I could read them for days, although I find the hand writing hard to read sometimes. I love the programme ‘A house through time’. If it wasn’t for historical documents the lives that inhabited the houses would be lost. It would be a dead house. The documents bring the bricks to life. 

  • If you played it, well then you'd have experience to set against your mental vision... it would be different ... it's a great area of study though, almost a mythology in itself... Slight smile

  • I love animals but feel like a hypocrite because I eat meat(chicken and fish) although I’m trying to reduce it to very little.I adore cats. I was thinking I must have been Egyptian in a past life. What do you find fascinating about Geese? Each species of animal are fascinating in their unique super powers. 

  • Wow... Now I'm in awe... Raised hands

  • I’ve literally made a Police Crime Commissioner sweat and squirm, in a public auditorium, with my command of Policing Ethics, back in the earlier-days of PCC networking, when the second-wind politicians were still mounting their sieges on the space..

  • Mine is animals specific geese.

    I guess if I wasn't so rubbish I could maybe be a vet but just specialise in geese lol ^^

  • Yeah expertise is a weird one, because I’m proficient at several things, but it’s difficult to claim expertise in something..

    I’m nearly there with autism theory, i’ve memorised a massive amount, enough to do a dissertation on it, but I’m still in the process of absorbing it. I don’t understand it in my bones yet..Confused

  • An area I enjoy is DnD, I’m something of a lore-master where that is concerned, I know an awful lot..Sweat smile

    I’ve never played it though, you tend to need friends for that, lol..Sweat smile

    Also I am reluctant to play something I love so much, because I don’t want to sully my imagination with reality, I would only play it in absolute ideal circumstances, which I know is idealistic..

    I love talking about psychology through the lens of DnD speak, to people who know nothing about DnD, especially professionals, it’s one of my favourite things to do.. they tilt their heads like confused pups..Smile

  • I'm a documentary historian ... I work with old written stuff. Sometimes I change history, in small ways.. 

  • Although that sounds fascinating.. Thinking 

  • Oh wow, fascinating. They used to do public autopsies didn’t they? Also there were lots of grave robbers because that’s where Mary Shelley got the inspiration for Frankenstein. It was the rats that spread the plague wasn’t it? I love seeing rats in the park by me. There are loads. I feel like they’re still taboo. Although I didn’t like it when we had one in the kitchen once. I watched a film called Willard once and his friends are the rats in the basement. I heard something interesting on the Native American’s great courses lectures that the British or Danish can’t remember which used biological warfare on them by giving gifts of clothing infected with small pox. I didn’t know diseases could be used as weapons before. Very interesting. 

  • Mine's medical history. The bit I like best is the 19th century, because there were loads of developments around public health and hospital hygiene, but I like Ancient Egyptian medicine as well, and I'm also interested in the bubonic plague because it had such a massive effect on so many other historical events.