Academic Area of Specialization

What is your specialist subject, the thing that makes you feel happiest and eager learning about? That makes life feel better?

I think mine mine is Ancient Civilizations. I’m listening to lots of different Books on Audible. Lots of Great Courses, which are amazing, as they are university level lectures presented by doctors who are absolutely passionate about their subjects. I’m listening to one about Mesoamerica another about Native Americans and an audio book about Ancient African Kingdoms. No one I know cares about any of these though. Nobody ever talks to me about their academic passions. I have no clue if I’m on any spectrum but all the people I have known in the past who said they had Asperger’s were much more cerebral than the average person. 

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  • I need a Tardis first ^^

    It sounds like you've done a lot of studying! You should become a teacher I bet you'd be a really fun teacher and make history really cool for kids :) 

    I would love to see famous buildings being built I bet that would be so cool!

  • You'd have lots of fun time traveling by the sound of it! 

    I spent 2 years studying, amongst other things, Vikings - feel like that's done. Horrible Histories were the best go to for Vikings, imo! 

    Victorian- I know a lot about Victorian London...

    Buildings, probably... I'd like to see what some buildings or places looked like

    See if I was right! 

  • Hehe sorry ^^

    There's a few I'd love to go back to the Vikings

    I'd like to see the Romans and also Victorian Britain.

    I'd go back to see the world trade centre towers before the tragedy

    I'd like to go back before I was born and see my mum and what she was like when she was younger :) 

  • Goodness, Goosey!! That's a big question for a Tuesday morning! Sweat smile

    I'll have a think while I'm at work...

    What about you? Would you time travel if you could? Slight smile