A collective noun for people on the spectrum?

Any ideas? 

  • I notice that there are quite a few options for the collective nouns depending on the part of the world you are in so some are quite different to our perceived norms.

    I found the following

    A glaring of cats
    A rhumba of rattlesnakes
    An army of caterpillars
    A nest of rhumours  (not actually an animal admittedly)
    A gang of elks
    A family of sardines
    A huddle of walruses
    A bed of clams
    A shiver of sharks
    A Crash of Rhinoceroses
    A Horde of Hamsters
    A Kindle of Kittens
    a roll of armadillos    
    a candle of anteaters
    a congregation of alligators
    a sleuth of bears
    a flutter of butterflies
    a train of camels
    a coalition of cheetahs
    a cast of crabs
    a congregation of crocodiles
    a cry of dogs (hounds)

    and my personal favourite:

    A bike of bees

    If you want to read the variations it may take some time:


  • Oh I like some of those.

    A glaring of cats. Perfect!


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